We offer a complete portfolio of Hosted solutions from basic Cloud Exchange Email, or spinning up a Cloud Application Server to a Private Hosted Exchange Server in the cloud. We also have the Client Software offering from Microsoft Office 365.
Email needs to be available 24/7. How about if we could provide an Exchange Server with 99.999% uptime ? Users with Unlimited Storage and unlimited Archiving. If you're in the Healthcare, legal, or finance fields, what about complinace with HIPPA,FINRA? We have Encrypted Email as an offering.
Learn more about Hosted Exchange...
Here's a video describing our Encrypted Email Option
For companies just starting out and want to keep your costs down, or perahps you have a large percentage of telecommuters. Our hosted offering allows for an immediate assignment and turn on of phone service/numbers so you can start making calls and conducting business tommorrow. The Elevate Cloud allows for you to be logged in and receive calls on up to 5 Devices (Deskphone/Mobile/PC). Call now to place and order. Learn more here about ELEVATE VoIP Phone Solution ...