Senior Living Facility Campus Networks have the most diverse types of devices that require dependable connectivity. Nurse Call devices, VoIP communications, EMR tablets, nurse/admin workstations, cameras, door access, iPhones, resident interenet access needs, accomodating guests, etc... The Network Infrastructure has to address the needs of all of these devices. It must allow them to operate efficiently and consistantly through out your campus.
The Health of Your Wireless Campus Network
Mobile Friendly Everywhere
The backbone of all connectivity starts with the Copper Wiring or Fiber Optic connections.
Network Switches bring to life all of the data wiring and connect your devices. Assisted Living networks have diverse types of endpoints.
Assisted Living Campus staff are always on the go. We provide wireless access points to light up your campus connectivity.
Assisted Living administrative areas need to be protected from resident access. Our cloud based system is great for campus environments with many buildings.
Network based cameras allow for remote viewing from any adminstrative workstation or device. High Definition Video recording and play back when you need it.
Administrative Phones, Door Call Boxes, Resident Phones, and Bring-Your-Own mobile devices such as your i-Phones. Seamless Communications throughout campus.